Shah Rukh Khan starrer Dunki, which released last weekend, has been winning hearts across the globe for its heart-touching narrative and outstanding performances by the star cast. Recently filmmaker Anubhav Sinha applauded the movie for its simplicity and now Hansal Mehta has reviewed the Rajkumar Hirani directorial and said, “Nice to end the year with @iamsrk tugging at your heart strings.”
I really enjoyed #Dunki. Not perfect but so what. It’s perfectly fine. It gave me what I miss at the movies. It was nostalgic, heartfelt, simple and an ode to what our films once used to be. Not a film I want to overanalyse or overthink. Give me a @RajkumarHirani film any day.…
— Hansal Mehta (@mehtahansal) December 25, 2023
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Sharing his thoughts on X, Hansal wrote, “I really enjoyed #Dunki. Not perfect but so what. It’s perfectly fine. It gave me what I miss at the movies. It was nostalgic, heartfelt, simple and an ode to what our films once used to be. Not a film I want to overanalyse or overthink. Give me a @RajkumarHirani film any day. Nice to end the year with @iamsrk tugging at your heart strings, looking into her eyes with love and playing a softie. Lovely ensemble and an enduring charm pervades the film which is not a drama, not a comedy, not a tragedy and not a thriller. It is a Rajkumar Hirani film all the way. Go watch it and decide for yourself.”
Dunki, which also stars Taapsee Pannu, and Boman Irani among others with an impeccable cameo from Vicky Kaushal has earned over Rs 120 crore in 5 days. The film is expected to enter the Rs 200 crore club soon since there are no big releases in the coming week.
On the professional front, Hansal Mehta is gearing up for the release of Kareena Kapoor starrer The Buckingham Murders, which recently premiered at the Jio MAMI Festival.