Holidaymakers urged to follow swimming pool tip | Travel News | Travel

Holidaymakers urged to follow swimming pool tip | Travel News | Travel

What better way to spend a glorious toasty day on holiday than by relaxing around the swimming pool? However, an expert has warned your dreamy pool day could turn into a “distressing holiday nightmare” if you forget one simple thing. Though it sounds easy, many people spend their days wandering barefoot by the swimming pool, and according to Gabriel Miller, an expert at Gatsby Shoes, this could be a major mistake.

“What seems like a harmless and comfortable choice – going barefoot around the hotel pool – can actually expose you to alarming risks that might turn your leisurely poolside escape into a distressing nightmare,” said the experts from Gatsby Shoes.

“Walking without shoes around resort pools may seem natural, but it’s a practice fraught with health hazards.”

Not only is the risk of slipping on wet surfaces heightened, but the expert also warned of potential cuts and scrapes and even exposure to bacteria, viruses and fungi.

Gabriel pointed out: “Walking barefoot exposes you to pathogens like plantar warts, athlete’s foot, and ringworm, which thrive in these conditions. These organisms can easily invade small cuts or abrasions on unprotected feet, leading to uncomfortable and sometimes serious infections.”

In particular, the expert draws attention to “plantar warts, athlete’s foot and ringworm” which can all be contracted from pool decks where contamination has occurred.

Though hotels tend to have heightened cleaning and sanitising routines in communal spaces, especially since the coronavirus pandemic, the experts still advise popping on a pair of shoes when wandering around.

However, it’s not just contamination which may pose a risk to holidaymakers. Rough textures or broken tiles can cause significant damage to bare feet. Gabriel said: “Unexpected sharp edges on pool decks can easily cut skin, making you more susceptible to infections in a high-bacteria environment.”

Slippery pool decks are also notorious for causing falls, which can lead to bruises, sprains, or even fractures. Gabriel warned: “Wet surfaces around pools are extremely slick, and going barefoot increases the risk of losing your balance and suffering a fall.”

The expert advises opting for water shoes or flip-flops made of rubber or another waterproof material. “Choose shoes that provide a good grip, are easy to clean, and dry quickly to reduce the risk of slips and microbial growth,” said Gabriel.

The expert also advised keeping one pair of shoes specifically for walking around the pool.

“Shoes that have been worn on the pool deck should be considered contaminated. If you wear them in other areas, you risk spreading pathogens,” he explained.

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